La Valee de Jacmel - Haiti
Site type:
Site function:
2175 ha
520 m
Annual Precipitation:
1516 mm / 59.7 inches
Aw - Tropical savanna climate
Tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests
1.85 acres
Restoration of landscapes must go hand-in-hand with the communities of animals, plants, and people. To managed watershed which benefits everyone becomes a protected resource in cultural heritage. When people and sectors of the community are considered and benefit, the restoration efforts are more likely to be sustained and long-lasting.
The initial restoration itself is quite expensive with many hours and days spent in planning and implementation for its renewal. The long-standing return will only come from community involvement on all levels of development. The Lavallee community watershed restoration is based on sectors of production for the different sectors of the population. High elevations are used to collect water to make sure that it infiltrates to the soil and the water table. This is called a water forest as although the forest products are also harvested, the forest is a priority to increase the carrying capacity of the land and the infiltration of rainfall. Streambeds become perennial rather than only running during extreme weather events.
Legacy forest areas are for the use of elders in the community for their long-term income through harvesting a lifetime of agroforestry practices. The community forest is built for the benefit of everyone during times of disturbance. This forest, although harvested for fruits, nuts, and perennial crops, is primarily intended for harvesting fibres and timber for the building or repair of homes. Through well-managed and controlled harvesting the trees are coppiced and pollard in order to retain the strength and vitality of a long-term canopy.
All these forests are intended to protect the soil, increase infiltration of rainwater, reduce flooding, and maintain a constant flow of freshwater downstream beds. Crop and production forests are intensely managed for high and long-term yields of intercropped annual plants along with perennial foods. Unlike the other forests, the land is valued for its gentle slopes and less tendency for erosion when disturbed. These slopes are the primary food source as a result of upland management.


Head of Design
& Education